Friday, May 13, 2011

Recent Elecdtion Results

The election results of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal have gone in favour of erstwhile opposition parties namely AIADMK and Trinamool Congeress respectively. Both the States asre going to be ruled by spinsters. The debacle faced by the ruling parties is mainly due to the corruption that has been prevailing in the States. But one thing is to be remembered at this juncture. Whether both the ladies namely Ms. Jayalalitha and Ms. Mamta Banerjee are clean politicians? The answer is no. Both are corrupt themselves. Jayalalitha was removed from her last stint as CM of Tamil Nadu was due to her corrupt ruling and arrogant attitude. She suspended all the State Government employees when they went on Strike to press their demand, which was their right. Also she earned wealth disporportionate to her known source of income. Mamta Banerjee has also done a lot of corrupt practice to come to power. Being Railway Minister in the Centre, she has favoured her State only not taking an universal view while presenting her Budget. Thus the new Government in these States are not ging to be corruption free and people are not going to get any benefit. The DMK Government favoured its own cadre by giving freebies in the name of welfare activities for the public. Similar thing will happen in the regime of Jayalalitha also. Both the parties ruled Tamil Nadu several times earlier also. In thier earlier rule they swindled public money and anmassed wealth. During their recent rules they had been swindling the public land and amass landed property. Public are not learning lesson from the past. They willingly elect the rule of rowdies and corrupt. Long live the election tradition. Where is the 'Kalki Avathara'?

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