Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lokpal Bill

The much talked about Lokpal Bill is now facing a major hurdle. I doubt whether it would see the light of the day. The Lokpal Bill is aimed at providing a corruption free nay a less corrupt administration to the public. But the beginning itself was made on a wrong note. The Constitution Committee was formed by including the politicians namely the four Ministers of Government of India whose integrity and "clean hands" is a big question mark. Being politicians they cannot be clean in their dealings. Mr. Veetrappa Moily's "Tape episode" and "Suit Case"culture of 1975-76 are world famous. While such is the case the inclusion of politicians in the constitution committee of Lokpal Bill is a blunder committed by the organiser Mr. Anna Hazare. If at all Government wanted to include some members in the committee on behalf of Government, they should be from among the public not politicians. It is quite natural that the representatives of the Government would like to safe guard the high loevel politicians like PM. The Lokpal Bill is going to be a Law of the Land. Are the PM, CJI etc., are above the law or what?
Are they next to God? The Bofors case was caused by Ex-PM and the land grabbing to the tune of hundreds of acres in Tamil Nadu and Kerala was caused by an Ex-CJI via his kit and kin.. Then,r why these incumbents should be exempted from the purview of the Lokpal Bill. Any corrupt person without naming the designation or post should be brought under the Law. Further Mr. Anna Hazare views corruption from a higher level. It is the lower level corruption that needs eradication since public are suffering in their day-to-day life. Especially the State Government Departments like, RTO, Sales Tax, Excise Dept., Corporation, City Development Authorities, Police Department, PWD, Electricity Department, Water Boards, Housing Boards, and all other departments. Time and again the Lokayukta of Karnataka has exposed many officials of the Government Departments with large amount of corrupt practice but no action has been taken by the State Government and they are still playing the safe corrupt game. Unless severe punishment and attaching the ill gotten wealth to the Government is contemplated the corruption could not be mitigated. Prima facie corruption cases should be decided immediately and punishment awarded by dismissal and attachment of excess properties. The bureaucrats and their subordinates are hand in glove in rearing the corruption at all levels. Apart from the Government bosses and servents the Real Estate and Business and Trade Tycoons spoil the economy of the country by their corrupt practice. They grease the palms of the politicians at all levels and officials of Government at all levels to get their business promoted. Politicians and Government Officials get their landed properties and huge amount of black money through such people only. What Mr. Anna Hazare could do ; even 'Hazar' Hazares could not do anything against these people. Only fast action and severe punishment may change the situastion to some extent. The proposed fast by Yoga man Ramdev is a mere gimmic and with some hidden purpose and policially motivated. Only God has to come down to earth to save the people provided He does not fall prey to the politicians and Government Officials.

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